

Project uses Certbot for certificates. Certbot provides docker image that can be used separetely from our app to obtain the certtificate.

The idea is to run certbot on the server where it spins up temporary server and obtains the certificate. The trick is to have volume for /etc/letsencrypt directory. It results in saving all certificate stuff directly onto server. We can than run our app container and mount this directory as volume. Nginx packed with our image will have access to the certificate.


When generating/renewing certificate the app container must be off - down. It blocks port 80 so certbot container wouldn’t be able to kick off temporary server.

To run certbot on the server run following:

docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v /etc/richy_letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly

and reply to the certbot script questions like:

1: 1
2. enter email
3. Agree
4. No
5. enter app domain

Now all certificate stuff are saved directly on the server (not in the certbot container) in /etc/richy_letsencrypt directory.

Now kick off the app (just start supervisor task like supervisorctl start richy).